Gable, T.D., A.T. Homkes, and J.K. Bump. 2024. Wolf predation on white-tailed deer before, during, and after a historically mild winter in northern Minnesota. Ecology and Evolution. [PDF]
Evavold, I.C., T.D. Gable, A.T. Homkes, and J.K. Bump. 2024. Wolves foraging on berries is likely a widespread behavior in southern boreal ecosystems. Ecosphere Naturalist. [PDF]

Gable, T.D., S.M. Johnson-Bice, A.T. Homkes, and J.K. Bump. 2024. Single visits to active wolf dens do not impact wolf pup recruitment or pack size. Wildlife Biology. [PDF]
Benson, J.F., D.A. Keiter, P.J. Mahoney, B.L. Allen, L. Allen, F. Álvares, M.L. Anderson, et al. 2024. Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups. Ecology. [PDF]

Gable, T.D., A.T. Homkes, S.K. Windels, and J.K. Bump. 2024. Evidence that wolves use cooperative ambush strategies to hunt beavers. Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution. [PDF]
Gable, T.D., S.M. Johnson-Bice, A.T. Homkes, and J.K. Bump. 2023. Differential provisioning roles, prey size, and prey abundance shape the dynamic feeding behavior of gray wolves. Communications Biology. [PDF]

Gable, T.D., S.M. Johnson-Bice, A.T. Homkes, J. Fieberg, and J.K. Bump. 2023. Wolves alter the trajectory of forests by shaping the central place foraging behavior of an ecosystem engineer. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [PDF]
Johnson-Bice, S.M., T.D. Gable, A.T. Homkes, S.K. Windels, J.K. Bump, and J.G. Bruggink. 2023. Logging, linear features, and human infrastructure shape the spatial dynamics of wolf predation on an ungulate neonate. Ecological Applications. [PDF]

Gable, T.D., S.M. Johnson-Bice, A.T. Homkes, and J.K. Bump. 2023. Video observations of wolves hunting ungulates on linear features. Food Webs. [PDF]
Johnson-Bice, S.M, T.D. Gable, J.D. Roth, and J.K. Bump. 2023. Patchy indirect effects of predation: predators contribute to landscape heterogeneity and ecosystem function via localized pathways. Oikos. [PDF]

Freund, D. R., T.D. Gable, S.M. Johnson-Bice, A.T. Homkes, S.K. Windels and J.K. Bump. 2023. The ethology of wolves foraging on freshwater fish in a boreal ecosystem. Royal Society Open Science. [PDF]
Cassidy, K. A....Bump, J.K., T.D. Gable, A. T. Homkes., et al. 2023. Human-caused mortality triggers pack instability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [PDF]

Bump, J.K., T.D. Gable, S.M. Johnson-Bice, A. T. Homkes, D. Freund, S. K. Windels, and S. Chakrabarti. 2022. Predator personalities alter ecosystem services. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [PDF]
Gable, T. D., A. T. Homkes, S.M. Johnson-Bice, S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2021. Wolves choose ambushing locations to counter and capitalize on the sensory abilities of their prey. Behavioral Ecology [PDF]

Gable, T. D., S. M. Johnson-Bice, A. T. Homkes, S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2020. Outsized effect of predation: wolves alter wetland creation and recolonization by killing ecosystem engineers. Science Advances [PDF]
Homkes, A.T., T. D. Gable, S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2020. Berry important? Wolf provisions pups with berries in Northern Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin [PDF]

Gable, T. D., A. T. Homkes, S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2019. Is there a mechanism that causes wolves from same area to disperse long-distances in same direction? Canadian Wildlife Biology & Management 8:62-65 [PDF]
Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, A. T. Homkes, G. Robertson and E. K. Verveniotis. 2019. Trumpeter swan killed by gray wolf in Minnesota. Northeastern Naturalist [PDF]

Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, M. C. Romanski, and F. Rosell. 2018. The forgotten prey of an iconic predator: a review of interactions between grey wolves Canis lupus and beavers Castor spp. Mammal Review 48:123–138 [PDF]
Gable, T. D., T. Stanger, S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2018. Do wolves ambush beavers? Video evidence for higher-order hunting strategies. Ecosphere 9:e02159 [PDF]

Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, and J. K. Bump. 2018. Finding wolf homesites: improving the efficacy of howl surveys to study wolves. PeerJ 6:e5629 [PDF]
Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, and A. T. Homkes. 2018. Do wolves hunt fish in spring as food source? Mammalian Biology 91:30-33 [PDF]

Gable, T. D., and S. K. Windels. 2018. Kill rates and predation rates of wolves on beavers. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:466–472 [PDF]
Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, J. G. Bruggink, and S. M. Barber-Meyer. 2018. Weekly Summer Diet of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in Northeastern Minnesota. The American Midland Naturalist 179:15–27 [PDF]

Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, and I. C. Rautio. 2018. River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Killed by Wolves (Canis lupus) during Winter in Northern Minnesota. Canadian Field-Naturalist 131:252–253. [PDF]
Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, and J. G. Bruggink. 2017. The Problems with Pooling Poop: Confronting Sampling Method Biases in Wolf (Canis lupus) Diet Studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95:843–851. [PDF]

Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, and J. G. Bruggink. 2017. Estimating biomass of berries consumed by gray wolves. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:129–131. [PDF]
Gable, T. D., S. K. Windels, J. G. Bruggink, and A. T. Homkes. 2016. Where and how wolves (Canis lupus) kill beavers (Castor canadensis). PLoS ONE 11:e0165537. [PDF]